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What's Tenchi?"

Tenchi Muyo! is about a regular boy call Tenchi Masaki. He lives in Okayama, Japan. His grandfather owns a shrine and the legends says that his ancestor, Yosho trapped a demon in the shrine cave. Then too curious, Tenchi took the key from his grandpa and went inside the cave. There, he found a sword which was said to be "able to break rock." He tried it and broke it but he still carried it with him to examine it. He went inside more into the cave and there it saids there is a demon. When he looked at it, it looked like there was no demon but then suddenly, the ugly demon woke up from it's sleep and tried to get the sword from Tenchi. Tenchi immediately ran and closed the cave, hoping the demon wasn't going to go after him. The next day at school (when everyone was gone), he feel to sleep and woke up finding the demon, but in another form. The demon was young looking, sexy, and was introduced as Ryoko. Ryoko chased Tenchi and tried to destroy him in the school, blowing everything up and setting a fire!

When Tenchi saw the gem on her wrist, he decided to destroy it because her powers were coming from the gem. Ryoko heard him and tried to destroy him. She was about to destroy him when the sword in Tenchi's bag appeared in front of Tenchi, letting tenchi fight. The sword looked like it was made out of laser. Tenchi had no clue what was happening because the sword was controling his hands to fight Ryoko. The sword destroyed the wrist where the gem. Tenchi thought that was over and would never see Ryoko again but he was WRONG. He found Ryoko sleeping in his bed (unbuttoned shirt)!

The next thing that happened, Ayeka, the first princess of a distant planet, Jurai, was searching for her half brother and fiancee, Yosho. She found Ryoko on the Earth and was going after her. She was after Ryoko to ask her where he brother was because the last time she saw Yosho was when he fled off to fight Ryoko when she was attacking Jurai. Ayeka trapped Ryoko and Tenchi. She took the sword tenchi had and asked Ryoko questions. Tenchi, all confused and locked up, met Ayeka's little sister, Sasami. Sasami didn't think Tenchi was any harm to her so she released him. Sasami asked Tenchi to do her a favorite, but Tenchi got in trouble trying to do her a favor! He got back the sword from Ayeka but Ayeka's guardians, Kamidake and Azaka went trying to destroy him! They were trying to chase Tenchi and Ryoko to Earth but then they crashed into the Seto bridge! That ends up with Ryoko, Sasami, and Ayeka living in Tenchi and his dad, Nobuyuki's house! (Nobuyuki likes this actually. He likes GIRLS)

Later on in the series, they meet 2 other women, Washu and Mihoshi, while trying to defeat the vicious alien criminal, Kagato!

In each Tenchi series, it's different. There are already 3 series:

-Tenchi Muyo
-Tenchi Universe
-Tenchi in Tokyo

And according to the recent AIC news, they are making a new Tenchi Muyo OAV 3. The summary you read above is for the Tenchi Muyo OAV series. Tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo have different plots and different ways of how they all met. If you have any questions about tenchi, email me. I'll be putting up summaries for tenchi Universe and Tenchi in Tokyo soon.