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There are three seasons so far in Digimon. The series is a popular children show. It airs on Fox Kids in the USA. It deals at first with 8 children, transported to the digital world and help that world survive by defeating the evil digimon. In order to do that, they must have partners, call Digimon. The characters are:

Taichi Yamagi - Agumon
Yamato Ishida - Gabumon
Sora Takenouchi - Piyomon
Mimi Tachiwawa - Palmon
Jou Kido - Gomamon
Koushirou Izumi - Tentomon
Takeru Takaishi - Patamon
Hikari Yamagi - Tailmon
After this, comes another season with the children older and three new children:

Daisuke Motomiya - V-Mon
Miyako Inoue - Hawkmon
Iori Hida - Armadimon

And the latest season, Digimon Tamers, featuring 10 yrs old children:

Takato Matsuda - Gillmon
Lee Zenyra - Terriermon
Ruki Makino - Renamon