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Limitless Anime: I LOVE MAEDA AI

Hello there! If you clicked on the button or banner that has the "I Love Maeda Ai" then, you came to the right place. Do you really adore Maeda Ai's voice and singing? Well, to prove that, put one of our banners or buttons on your page! It's very simple, just link this page and put the banner/button. For those who have no clue who Maeda Ai is, she is a singer and voice actress. You might get confused because there are two girls with the name Maeda Ai. One is the one I'm talking about and the other Maeda Ai is an actress.

Maeda Ai is my favorite seiyuu basically. She does voices in Sentimental Graffiti (Emiru), Mimi (Digimon), Card Captor Sakura (it was this maid and someone else), and more. Here are the directions:

1. Upload any of these banners/buttons you want to use:

2. Link them to: https://limitlessanime.tripod.com/ilovemaeda.html

That's it! You're all done! Maeda Ai love us all! ;)
Oh yes, if you want to send fanmail to Maeda Ai, here is the address:

Maeda Ai
c/o Aoni Production
Ichizu Building 2F
2-11-24 Minami Aoyama
Mihato-Ku, Tokyo
107-8572 Japan

Thanks Megchan for the address! ;)