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Tenchi Muyo!
Dirty Pair Flash
Sentimental Graffiti
One Piece
Hunter X Hunter
Burn Up W
Love Hina
Oh My Goddess

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Hi! Welcome! Some links might not work but they will in a couple of days because of the new layout.......

Ok.... >>>>HikarinTakeru
I have a new counter because the otherone wouldn't show up for some reason. And I'm working on the seiyuu page right now. I also added the poll.

New Section Up >>>> HikarinTakeru
I have a new section open and it's dedicated to my favorite singer/seiyuu, Maeda Ai. Check it out. I have a banner at the bottom.

New Affiliate and Contest >>>> HikarinTakeru
I have a new affiliate. Their site isn't done yet but it will be soon. Also, new page up, Contest.

Multimedia Added... >>>> HikarinTakeru
Ok. I added two sections in the multimedia. I have Tenchi Muyo and Love Hina multimedia sections up. And make sure you read the note in the Tenchi Muyo multimedia section to help you download the RIGHT WAY. We also have a new affiliate. Check the page out!